This is my little bundle of joy right here. Linky was adopted from our animal shelter, and he's now a ferocious beast cat, as you can see. We adopted him as a kitten, and the shelter told us they found him out roaming the fields. Now, even though we got him as a kitten, he apparently learned skills out in the wild that are the equivalent to being a wild tiger. My boyfriend is convinced he is an African Wild Cat
- He steals vast amounts of meat off our plates if we aren't looking, and cabbage, among other foods you didn't think any cat would eat.
- If you try to get this food back, he begins to growl, much like a dog.
- Ever seen the stalking cat video ? Well Link is also a stalking cat who frequently jumps us when we least expect it.
- He plays fetch.
- He plays run around Linky.
- He might be on crack.
- We both love him very much.
Love your pets !
Burrito Cat |
Link and I have to meet. Tagged you to do an 11 question thing on my blog xx